STRIDE Threat Model

STRIDE ElementAccess ControlsPassword ProtectionRaft Consensus AlgorithmMVCC in TiKVRocksDB Storage EngineTiKV ClientsPlacement DriverTimestamp OracleTransport-Layer Security (TLS)Programming Language (Rust)Authentication
Spoofing IdentityAttackers could impersonate authorized users to gain access to TiKV nodes and PD.Weak password protocols can be exploited to gain unauthorized access.Falsifying identity as a leader node could disrupt consensus.Spoofing transactions to appear as legitimate could enable unauthorized actions.Impersonating a legitimate client could allow unauthorized access to TiKV nodes.Spoofing the Placement Driver could disrupt TiKV’s data management and routing.Spoofing timestamp requests can lead to incorrect time assignments for transactions.Intercepting TLS certificates could enable attackers to impersonate TiKV nodes.Impersonating an authenticated user can grant unauthorized access to sensitive functions.
TamperingTampering with access control settings could weaken restrictions.Attackers could alter authentication data or mechanisms.Tampering with data replication processes can corrupt data consistency.Tampering with timestamps could cause data inconsistencies or conflicts.Altering RocksDB configurations or data could compromise data integrity.Tampering with client applications can lead to malicious data insertion or alteration.Tampering with PD’s metadata can lead to incorrect data placement or loss.Manipulating timestamps can cause inconsistencies and conflicts in transaction ordering.Tampering with TLS configurations can compromise secure communication.Exploiting language-specific vulnerabilities, though less likely in Rust, can lead to data tampering.Altering authentication data or mechanisms can lead to unauthorized system access.
RepudiationIf audit trails are poor, malicious activities may go unrecorded, denying wrongdoing.Lack of secure audit logs could prevent tracking unauthorized access changes.Without proper logging, changes made to the consensus process might not be traceable.Untraceable transactions due to poor logging could lead to repudiation of actions.Without proper audit logs, unauthorized modifications in RocksDB might go unnoticed.Clients could deny performing actions if actions are not properly logged.Lack of auditing can make it difficult to trace unauthorized changes in PD.Lack of traceability for timestamp issuance could enable denial of transaction manipulation.Failure to log TLS configuration changes could allow unauthorized alterations to go unnoticed.Rust’s safety features reduce the likelihood of untraceable changes in the codebase.Failure to log authentication attempts could allow unauthorized activities to be denied.
Information DisclosureUnauthorized access could lead to exposure of sensitive data.Insufficient password protection might reveal user credentials.Intercepting communications could reveal sensitive replicated data.Unencrypted timestamps could reveal transaction times and patterns.Vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies could lead to data leaks.Compromised clients could leak sensitive data stored in TiKV.Gaining access to PD can reveal critical metadata about data distribution.Access to timestamping information could expose transaction patterns and timings.Compromised TLS can lead to exposure of data in transit between nodes.
Denial of ServiceOverloading access control mechanisms could lead to service disruptions.Repeated password attempts or protocol abuse could disrupt service.Disrupting the consensus process can lead to denial of service.Conflicts or faulty timestamping can lead to transaction processing delays.Exploiting RocksDB vulnerabilities could slow down or halt data operations.Overloading clients or exploiting vulnerabilities can disrupt their interaction with TiKV.Overloading or disrupting PD can significantly impact data availability and cluster operations.Overloading the Timestamp Oracle can delay or prevent timestamp issuance, disrupting transactions.Disrupting TLS can block or slow down secure communication, affecting service availability.
Elevation of PrivilegeGaining unauthorized access could lead to elevated privileges within the system.Accessing accounts with higher privileges could lead to control over critical functions.An attacker could gain control over data flow and decision-making by becoming a malicious leader.Altering timestamps could grant unauthorized data access or modifications.Exploiting vulnerabilities could lead to unauthorized access or control over data storage.Accessing elevated privileges through client exploitation can lead to broader system compromise.Controlling PD could grant significant control over the cluster’s operational aspects.Manipulating the timestamping process could give undue advantage or access to certain transactions.Compromised TLS could be exploited to gain access to encrypted communications, leading to privileged information access.Exploiting rare vulnerabilities in Rust could lead to unauthorized system access.